Visionary Soul Gift Archetype
Visionaries are born with strong Yellow energy powered by the solar plexus and Violet Aura powered by the third eye charkas. They possess intuitive clairvoyant abilities and often form new ideas or paradigms in their mind's eye. They are generally confident and natural leaders.
This image captures Visionary Soul Gift Archetype's strong Violet and Yellow colors in their Soul Aura Color composition. Depends on which aura layer is their soul wound, the Soul Aura Color composition will have less of that particular color.
For example, Forrest aura color souls have their soul wound in red aura layer, so it will be Violet + Yellow - Red = Forrest.

Entrepreneur Soul Gift Archetype
Entrepreneurs are natural-born leaders. They are born with strong Yellow Aura powered by the solar plexus and Blue Aura powered by the throat charkas. They like to lead a team of like-minded people to build something out of their visions. A strong manifester on planet earth.
This image captures Entrepreneur Soul Gift Archetype's strong Blue and Yellow colors in their Soul Aura Color composition. Depends on which aura layer is their soul wound, the Soul Aura Color composition will have less of that particular color.
For example, Aqua aura color souls have their soul wound in orange aura layer, so it will be Blue + Yellow - Orange = Lime.

Healer Soul Gift Archetype
Healers are born with a powerful Green Aura powered but the heart chakra and Yellow Aura powered by the solar plexus. If fact, most healers I meet have a turquoise aura, a blend of yellow, green, and blue. They are compassionate and intuitive beings who concern with the wellbeings of the human race. They combine ancient healing techniques with the new to offer a unique blend of medicine to the world.
This image captures Healer Soul Gift Archetype's strong Green and Yellow colors in their Soul Aura Color composition. Depends on which aura layer is their soul wound, the Soul Aura Color composition will have less of that particular color.
For example, Jade aura color souls have their soul wound in red aura layer, so it will be Green + Yellow - Red = Jade.

Artist Soul Gift Archetype
Artists are the dreamers and beauty creators of the planet. They are born with strong Orange Aura powered by the sacral and Violet Aura powered by the third eye chakras. They like to channel their strong emotions through artistic endeavors. Their creative visions are very vivid, sometimes even like playing a movie in their mind's eye.
This image captures Artist Soul Gift Archetype's strong Violet and Orange colors in their Soul Aura Color composition. Depends on which aura layer is their soul wound, the Soul Aura Color composition will have less of that particular color.
For example, Tangerine aura color souls have their soul wound in blue aura layer, so it will be Violet + Orange - Blue = Tangerine.

Reformer Soul Gift Archetype
Reformers are the catalysts of change in society. They are passionate people who move groups through motivational speeches for social changes for a better world. They are born with strong Orange Aura powered by the sacral and Blue Aura powered by the throat chakras and are naturally passionate public speakers.
This image captures Reformer Soul Gift Archetype's strong Blue and Orange colors in their Soul Aura Color composition. Depends on which aura layer is their soul wound, the Soul Aura Color composition will have less of that particular color.
For example, Azure aura color souls have their soul wound in yellow aura layer, so it will be Blue + Orange - Yellow = Azure.

Entertainer Soul Gift Archetype
Performers are fun people to be around. They are generally genuine fun-loving beings who are born with strong Orange Aura powered by sacral and Green Aura powered by the heart chakra. They like to channel their strong emotions by performing for the crowd.
This image captures Entertainer Soul Gift Archetype's strong Green and Orange colors in their Soul Aura Color composition. Depends on which aura layer is their soul wound, the Soul Aura Color composition will have less of that particular color.
For example, Lemon aura color souls have their soul wound in violet aura layer, so it will be Green + Orange - Violet = Lemon.

Researcher Soul Gift Archetype
Researchers are born with strong Red Aura powered by the root and Violet Aura powered by the third eye chakras. They can channel their vision through grounded daily research to move the current knowledge base forward. They are generally self-disciplined and love to read and explore new ideas. Continued learning is crucial for them.
This image captures Researcher Soul Gift Archetype's strong Violet and Red colors in their Soul Aura Color composition. Depends on which aura layer is their soul wound, the Soul Aura Color composition will have less of that particular color.
For example, Ruby aura color souls have their soul wound in green aura layer, so it will be Violet + Red - green = Ruby.

Teacher Soul Gift Archetype
Teachers are born with strong Red Aura powered by the root and Blue Aura powered by the throat chakras. They are generally calm and grounded. They are great communicators with their specialties. They generally believe the goodness in people and that everyone should have an equal chance through education. They are encouraging and great motivators for transformation.
This image captures Teacher Soul Gift Archetype's strong Blue and Red colors in their Soul Aura Color composition. Depends on which aura layer is their soul wound, the Soul Aura Color composition will have less of that particular color.
For example, Lilac aura color souls have their soul wound in yellow aura layer, so it will be Blue + Red - Yellow = Lilac.

Warrior Soul Gift Archetype
Warriors are born with strong Red Aura powered by the root and Green Aura powered by the heart chakras. They are physically strong and make natural athletes. Because of their physical strength and a strong sense of righteousness, they make great policemen, firefighters, and paramedics. They are the ones who are willing to stand up for their loved ones.
This image captures Warrior Soul Gift Archetype's strong Green and Red colors in their Soul Aura Color composition. Depends on which aura layer is their soul wound, the Soul Aura Color composition will have less of that particular color.
For example, Coral aura color souls have their soul wound in violet aura layer, so it will be Green + Red - Violet = Coral.