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South: the Fengshui Fame and Reputation Area of Your Home

South: the Fengshui Fame and Reputation Area of Your Home

Here are the Fengshui Recommendations for the Fame and Reputation (South) area of your home.

The Aspect of Life: Fame or Reputation

Ideal Function: Kitchen or Living Room

Elemental Energy: Fire

Recommended Colors: Red, Orage, Yellow, Purple, Pink, Green, Dark Brown

Colors to Avoid in Excess: Blue, Black

Recommended Shapes of Decor: Triangle

Shapes of Decor to Avoid in Excess: Wavy

Crystals to Amplify the Energy: Tiger's Eye (red or golden), Ruby, Garnet, Red Jasper, Green Jade, Moss Agate, Malachite, Amazonite


Download Free Fengshui Crystal and Color Guide


Recommended Crystal Grid Layout for this Area:

Here are some interior design inspiration photos for this area of your home:

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