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You Are Made of Rainbow of Energies

You Are Made of Rainbow of Energies

My heart is full of love and gratitude when I put out this offer. A 7 weekly spiritual course that I called Flowing with Your Rainbow starting in mid-September. I have had a spiritual awakening moment recently after 10 years of spiritual practice. I am called to share the tools and knowledge I've learned over the decade to help you live an easier, happier, and more fulfilling life.
Can I share with you a personal story with colors?
I distinctly remembered that when I was a child, I love light blue and often had strep throat problems. Growing up in China with a male dominant environment and complaint culture, speaking up was a problem of mine. You know what, blue is associate with the throat chakra. I need that color energy to heal.
Then there was a period of time I fell madly in love with my boyfriend, now husband while I was doing my Ph.D. degree, green was my favorite color. I wore green accessories all the time. I had no idea at the time that green is linked to the heart chakra, associated with the love energy.
Then I started my Yoga and meditation teacher training, I was so drawn to purple. It was at the time I first learned about the chakra system and why I was so drawn to certain colors at a certain period of my life. My intuition started to grow at that point and I often have visions in my third eye during my daily meditation practice.
I kept following what lights me up and finally took up the courage to become a professional painter. The color orange become my favorite and gave me a constant flow of creativity. When I was building and manifesting this business, I am crazy for yellow all the time. Citrine became my favorite crystal and you can see me wearing yellow and citrine often to this day.
Now guess what's my favorite color--White--the universal source energy that's within all of us. I am working on my light and is my calling to help you do the same!
Everything is made of energy. The sources of life force on planet earth come from the Sun, the Moon, crystals, plants, astrological influences, and seasonal changes. We are in constant exchange (transmitting and receiving energies) from people, animals, plants, places, and the environments around us. Within us are the universal experiences and wisdom of people in all times and places, is our past life experiences and ancestors' wisdom, our angels and spirit guides.
We are all made of a rainbow of auras--the colored energy field around us. Aura energy is transmitted to and from the body via seven main invisible energy centers, called chakras, as well as numerous other smaller or subtle energy channels. Auras surround people, animals, plants, crystals, and even places and objects. With practice, auras are easily sensed or seen clairvoyantly, using innate psychic abilities we all possess.
Colors are energies. If you are attracted to a certain color at a specific time, that means your body needs that energy. As you all know, colors are my expertise when it comes to art creation. My friends call me the Color Queen and Color Magician.
When our rainbow energies are aligned, we become radiant manifesters to attract the right people and opportunities to live our purposes. Everything flows easily to us. We live our lives with joy and fulfillment.
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